Why We Can't Fly Airplane In space 

BY: Kavya Bhatt

What's your favorite moment during a flight? Take-off, landing, or the magical view above the clouds? Have you ever wondered what would happen if your plane climbs even higher?

Why Planes Fly High? - Planes fly high primarily for three reasons:  1. Saving money  2. Passenger comfort  3. Safety

Saving Money - Higher altitudes mean faster speeds and less fuel consumption. - Less air density at higher altitudes reduces drag, saving fuel.

Airspeed and Altitude - Airspeed vs. True Airspeed:  - At 4,000 feet: 250 knots airspeed  - At 38,000 feet: 250 knots airspeed but 450 knots true airspeed - Higher true airspeed reduces fuel consumption.

Passenger Comfort - Commercial jets fly at 35,000-42,000 feet. - Above 35,000 feet, planes avoid most weather turbulence and bad weather, ensuring a smoother flight.

Safety at High Altitudes - At 39,000 feet, engine failures allow more time for pilots to address problems and communicate with controllers. - Planes glide, not drop, allowing for emergency landings.

Why Not Fly Higher? - Engine efficiency drops with altitude due to lower air density, similar to humans needing more oxygen at high altitudes. - Cold temperatures at high altitudes affect engine performance.

The Coffin Corner - Critical Mach Number and the dangers of reaching supersonic speeds. - At the coffin corner, a plane can face both low-speed and high-speed stalls, leading to structural failure.

Handling Stalls and Speed Changes - Low-Speed Stall: Lower the nose, increase thrust slowly. - Supersonic Speed: Gradual application of brakes and adjustment of thrust to avoid shockwaves.

Conclusion - Understanding the balance of high altitudes, speed, and safety. - Pilots constantly ensure a safe flight, often without passengers realizing.