These Republic Day Flypast Visuals Will Take You To Sky

By- Srishti Verma

26th of January is celebrated as Republic Day throughout the nation. Indian Constitution came into being on this day in the year 1950.

The Republic Day Parade organized on this day witnesses different colours of Incredible India

Flypast by the Indian Air Force is the most awaited moment of the Republic Day parade. Here are visuals from the same

Aerial shots taken specially from Prachand that is taking part in the fly past over Kartavya Path.

The Tangail formation comprising one Dakota aircraft in lead with two Dornier aircraft in echelon fly over Kartavya Path in 'Vic' formation.

One LCH aircraft in lead and two Apache Helicopters and two Mk-IV aircraft in echelon fly in five aircraft 'Arrow Formation' over Kartavya Path.

Six Rafale aircraft fly over Kartavya Path in 'Marut' formation.

Three Su-30 Mk-I aircraft make Trishul formation at 900 kmph over water channel north of Kartavya Path along with the IAF Marching contingent.

One Rafale aircraft flies in at 900 kmph over water channel north of Kartavya Path, marking the conclusion of Republic Day parade at Kartavya Path.