Is Santa even real? 

By- Srushti sharma

It's the time of the year when celebrations are at their peak. The world seems a merrier place, families rejoicing, children wishing for Secret Santa to bring them gifts.

Santa Time

However, this time around the debate over Santa's existence also arises.

Does Santa Exist

Santa is none other than Saint Nicholas who actually existed and was popular amongst kids, he was the protector of children.

Saint Nicholas' Santa connection

He was a monk who was born in 280 A.D. in modern-day Turkey. As an only child, he was given great affection by his parents

When his parents both died due to a plague, young Nicholas developed a tender heart toward the suffering of others.

Saint Nicholas became a legend due to his kindness and generosity.

How Did Santa Claus Merge With Christmas?

Because December 6, or his feast day, was a celebration that included the giving of gifts, the celebration was moved to Christmas Day when we were given the greatest gift of all

Santa's Arrival is awaited and celebrated, it gives us a hope happy hope for all can say