This AI tool Identifies Low-Quality Wine Sold As Premium!

By- Shivanshi Srivastava

AI may soon intensify scrutiny of wine fraudsters who deceive consumers by presenting low-quality wine as premium. 

Scientists have created an AI tool capable of tracing wine origins through meticulous chemical analyses.

Utilising machine learning, researchers trained the AI to identify minute variations in the concentrations of various compounds present in different wines. 

This enables the AI to not only pinpoint the specific vine-growing region where the grapes were cultivated but also the exact estate where the wine was produced.

The scientists turned to gas chromatography, which had been used to analyse 80 wines harvested over 12 years.

The technique is commonly used in laboratories to separate and identify the compounds that make up a mixture.

Rather than trying to find individual compounds that distinguish one wine from another, the algorithm draws on all of the chemicals detected in the wine to work out the most reliable signature for each. 

The program displays its results on a two-dimensional grid, where wines with similar signatures group together.