10 Things to take care of During Urban Floods

By- Naiteek Bhatt

Rely only on orders from the government. Shift to a safer place and avoid getting carried away by rumours. Besides do not spread rumours yourself!

Stay at home and avoid unnecessary travel if high tide hand heavy rains occur simultaneously.

When the government starts issuing warnings for floods and heavy rain, put all valuables in a higher place in the house.

The flood water may get contaminated with sewage,oil, chemicals or other substances, hence avoid contact as much as possible.

Do not touch open wires during floods and heavy downpours and switch iff all the the electrical supplies. Once the situation gets better, don't reconnect the power supply until a qualified the power supply until a qualified engineer has checked it.

During floods, open manholes or ditches on the roads are not visible. So, always use a pole or stick while walking in standing water. Avoid steeping into deep water.

Do not litter waste, Plastic bags, or plastic bottles in drains. It will further clog the drainage system.

Ahead of the flooding, prepare an emergency kit. Keep a lantern, torch, some edibles, drinking water,dry clothes and necessary documents while evacuating or shifting.

After the flood, be alert for gas leaks. Do not smoke or use candles, lanterns, or open flames.

Don't remove standing water using your vacuum cleaner.