Massive hole on Sun: How can it affect Earth?

By- Srushti sharma

We are about to be hit by several blows that come from the Sun.

Two solar events are the cause of the geomagnetic disruptions.

The Sun has a large coronal hole in its atmosphere that is releasing a fast-moving stream of solar wind that is headed straight for Earth.

This phenomenon, which was photographed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory

It shows a nearly 800,000-kilometer-long chasm of darkness spanning the surface of the Sun.

Coronal holes are places in space where the magnetic field of the Sun opens up, letting more solar wind escape.

Adding to the cosmic drama, an off-target Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is projected to deliver a glancing blow to our planet on December 5.

Adding to the cosmic drama, an off-target Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is projected to deliver a glancing blow to our planet on December 5.

While this particular CME is not headed directly for Earth, its peripheral effects could still amplify the impact of the incoming solar wind.