How are the votes counted, What happens if there is a malfunction in the EVM?

By- Srushti sharma

After the election, the counting of the votes decides which party won or lost and whose government will be formed. 

People vote for their favourite party through EVM an Electronic Voting Machine

But do you know how votes are counted and who else apart from the voters is present during the use of the EVM machine?

The counting of votes takes place in a separate room under the vision of the Voter Returning Officer. There are 14 tables present in this room. each table has a returning officer and an observer.

If you want to increase the tables in the room, then permission also has to be taken from the Election Commission of India. The counting of votes is done in rounds, in each round voters from 14 EVM machines are counted 

After each round of counting, Form 17-C is signed by the agent and submitted to the returning officer.

There is also a blackboard in the counting hall, on which the number of votes received by each candidate is written. 

If in any case, the EVM machine breaks down during counting, the returning officer immediately informs the Election commission 

If the machine is fine, then the voting continues but if something is found then the elections can also get cancelled. 

After the counting of votes, it is saved in the control unit memory system. This data remains in this room until it is deleted.