Same Size, Same Gravity As Us, Earth 2.O Discovered By Hubble!

By- Shivanshi Srivastava

Nasa's Hubble Space Telescope has precisely measured the size of an Earth-sized exoplanet as it moved across its host star.

The planet, known as LTT 1445Ac, is part of a unique triple-star system located 22 light-years away in the constellation Eridanus.

LTT 1445Ac was initially discovered by Nasa's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) in 2022.

Hubble's observations confirmed a full transit, revealing that LTT 1445Ac is just 1.07 times the diameter of Earth.

Hubble classified it as a rocky terrestrial planet with similar surface gravity to our own world.

Despite these Earth-like dimensions, LTT 1445Ac's surface temperature is a scorching 500 degrees Fahrenheit, which is far too hot to support life.

The planet orbits LTT 1445A, the primary red dwarf star in the system, which also hosts two other larger planets.

The other components of the triple-star system, LTT 1445B and C, are situated approximately 3 billion miles from LTT 1445A and have been resolved by Hubble as well.

The co-planar alignment of the stars and the edge-on orbit of the BC pair suggest a harmonious orbital architecture within the system.