5 ways Countries Can Adapt to Climate Crisis

By- Naiteek Bhatt 

Warning Systems

Putting in place a proper warning system can help countries address the climate crisis. According to research, a 24-hour warning of an oncoming heatwave or storm can decrease the damage by 30 per cent.

Restoring Global  Ecosystems

Global restoration measures will absorb carbon and also promote the 'ecosystem services' to combat the world climate crisis. UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration launched by the UN Environment Programme(UNEP) and partners in 2021 is an example.

Climate- resilient Infrastructure

Preparing infrastructure such as roads and bridges which is not climate-prone can benefit nations. Infrastructure is responsible for 88 per cent of the forecasted costs for adapting to climate change, a UN report said.

Water Supplies and Security

It is a good idea to put money into efficient irrigation. A UN report said roughly 100-120 billion cubic meters of water could be saved across the world by 2030 by reducing leaks in urban canters.

Long-Term Planning

Long-term strategies and policies are crucial. "National Adaption Plans are a crucial governance mechanism for countries to plan for the future and strategically prioritize adaptation needs," a UN report suggested.