10 Kings Who Are Remembered For Brutal And Inhuman Action

By- Shivanshi Srivastava

His actions sparked the Second World War and resulted in the Holocaust, a genocide that claimed the lives of five million civilians in addition to six million Jews.

Adolf Hitler

Here is the list of cruellest kings of all time

Referred to as evil king, each day his troops would bring between 500 and 1000 people before him him to be tortured and killed.

Ivan IV of Russia

He most likely struggled with an insatiable thirst for wine and an out-of-control temper that led to him spending his entire life on the front lines of combat.

Alexander III of Macedon

He declared himself to be a god and coerced others to accept and worship him as such; if they refused, he gave brutal punishments.

King Firon

He gained notoriety for his ruthless utilisation of the Congo Free State, as his implementation of forced labour led to the demise of over 3 million Congolese citizens.

Leopold II of Belgium

He beheaded every suspect in his life without a trial, he is well known for his whims. To get power, he decapitated about five million people

Maximilien Robespierre

His final incursions into Gaul are remembered as bloody battles, as he attacked the region from the countryside, decimating every village in their path.

Attila The Hun

Known as the legend of cruel punishment giver, he killed, boiled, decapitated, blinded, strangled, hanged, burned, roasted, hacked, nailed, buried alive and stabbed 20,000 woman, children and man.

Vlad Tepes

He said that dwarf people had no right to exist and slaughtered people of a certain height. 

Genghis Khan

He is regarded as the most dangerous and cruel ruler in history. During his 29 years in power, he was accountable for the deaths of over 20 million of his own people.

Joseph Stalin